Sunday, December 19, 2010

8 and 10 = The New Black

8 and 10 (aka 8T) has been my all-time most profitable hand ever. By far.

Some years ago I had the feeling I was the only one playing big pots with them, but now the things have changed. I get regularly opponents who play 8 and 10 against me, or against someone else in the table. This is no surprise. 8 and 10 is still fantastic hand. Beware of it!

There are two obvious reasons why 8T-hand works:

1) You know instantly from the flop where you stand with it.  You know exactly if you should fold or continue. You fold, if there isn't a chance to pull straight, fullhouse or at least two pairs. With one pair 8T is rubbish. You can't win with one pair with 8T, so fold it. You need two pairs minimum, which still is quite weak, better to have that straight. In fact straight is the best option, because that is so difficult to read, in where possibility to fullhouse at the table get every opponent suspicious.

2) As much as it is easy for you to know, if your 8T works or not, it is double more difficult for opponent to read you got it. And this fact makes 8T very profitable hand! For example: the board is J9742. Your opponent has JJ and "the best" hand in his/her mind. Before the flop he raised five times big blind... so the hands he assume can call are AK, AA, KK, QQ etc... basically pocket pairs or AK, suited JT or other suited connectors. With that board J9742 he is a strong winner with his set of J's, he doesn't have to be afraid of higher pocket pairs, or naturally smaller sets either. In fact he hopes to get all in! And yes, he will get that possibility to go all in, except with huge surprise when you take the whole pot with straight J(T)9(8)7.

That is the magic of 8T. It really works and can win huge pots for you!

As I said in the beginning, beware of it. More and more players are playing with it... it is the new black in poker-tables live and online. So, if someone raises to all in, on the table that doesn't make any sense at first sight, maybe it does make a lot of sense, if you suspect he got 8T in his hand.

1 comment:

Creative Mind said...

There must be some sort of irony in the air. Only hour later I wrote and posted this text about 8T-hand, I lost in all in nice pot to 8T-hand! Yep, he had that straight.

Well, I'll guess I should read my texts more carefully now on? And take notes thorough... and follow them as well.