Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The video that have influenced poker-world on the internet the most.

This video had a huge impact to internet poker players! I haven't ever seen anything affecting to various different players playing-style so much than this Daniel Negreanu's video.

This video is MUST to every poker player to watch! Very important!

Why? Because so many poker player have seen it, so you better know A) what they think and B) why they do what they do and C) what they might have and D) what they are after... etc.

I remember very clearly when this video came out. It didn't affect to my own playing-style, because this style introduced here in this Daniel Negreanu's video is one of the styles I do play often, but the others... I couldn't believe my own eyes! All of a sudden in every table there was 3-5 players doing what Negreanu here teach! It was unbelievable!

And I surely did see that impact very well. I had played many months with same players (for example, there is always some same people playing every day in same level Sit & Go -tourneys), and I knew exactly how they play: for example one player been VERY solid and tight playing only pocket pairs or AK and other strong hands. I had good notes for these players, and they used to stick into their own style 100%. You could easily tell: "Oh, he have pocket pair. Oh, he hit the set in flop." Those kind of players.

Then this video came. All of a sudden "everyone" started to play loose. Started to play "small ball", because Daniel told it makes THAT important difference between advanced player and pro. And who wouldn't want to be pro rather than advanced player? Therefore, playing "small ball" and the tactics this video teach spread like forest fire! All of sudden, I had to throw my notes away. (Well not totally, but reconsider them again.) I also had to readjust my own style of playing... it doesn't work, if whole table plays the same way, basic rules of poker. (When possible, try to play different style than the others in table! For example, if your table is loose then play tight. And if your table is tight play loose and steal lot's of blinds & pots.)

I still say one more time: THIS VIDEO is the MUST to watch! You have to know this style of playing! Even if you don't do it personally, you have to know this style so you can spot the players who will play like this, so that you are aware what you should do when you are against them. This is very important, because this style "playing small ball" is more popular every day.

Now the question: Will it be good to go back to play tight again, because so many players want be pros (or like Daniel Negreanu) and play loose "small ball"? What do you think?

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