Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fold To Win

One of the best (but the most underrated) strategy to win is to fold a lot. Especially in tourneys, but also in cash games.

You can't win tourney with one hand, but you can lose it all with one hand. You should always remember that fact.

If you are not sure about your hand, don't call that all in. Fold instead. There will come another hand for you sooner or later. Your goal is to stay in on the tourney. All the way to the payout, and all the way to the final table and victory.

Same goes to cash games. Folding is good. If you don't value your money, maybe you do value your time? Ask yourself a question: "If I'll pay this bet now and lose, how long I have to sit down and play to win this amount back?"

Most often when you think: "OMG! Did he pay all my raises with Q9 to hit that straight on river?!", or whatever doubts you have like: "Is it possible he has that hand?", they usually do have that hand. It is strange but true. Therefore fold. Get them later with some other hand.


Creative Mind said...

And like I just wrote this thing... and yet still. I didn't fold. I truly amazed myself this time.

(I blame it on not sleeping for 30 hours. Yes, I know. I also wrote about those researches in where it was proved, that you shouldn't play when tired! I am an idiot.)

Anyway. Over 1000 players tourney. I was in top 10 last three hours all the time. Most of the time in top 3 or leading.

And then. Less than 60 players left. I had played really solid and good game so far.

Then comes AJ. Shitty hand first of all. Shouldn't play that in first place. Loose maniac bets. I'll raise. He calls.

Fantastic flop for me. J94. Loose maniac bets again. I'll raise a lot, 5 times his bet. He calls.

Turn is K. Now... if I would had any brains left, all the alarms should have been ringing like fire alarm on newbie cook's kitchen.

He could have had set like 999 or 444 when he called me. Or... since he was REALLY loose maniac... J9. or whatever. And yes, very common hand QT and open ended straight draw on flop. Which would mean, that now he got his straight. Wuppii!

Did I considered all this? Yes and no.

Yes, I did consider that, but I didn't care. There were all the elemants for disaster, so why not add one more: I shove all in! Like WTF?! Like really... WTF?!?!?!

He called and had KQ.

I was out. (Yes, he was there on top 10 as well on and off with me all the time. He truly went up and down.)

This... really amazes me how stupid one can sometimes be? With all my experience... and everything. The whole control of the game so many hours, and then this ONE(!) stupid hand and so great idiotic mistake.

And I just wrote this text "Fold to win".

There aren't many feelings that are so empty as they are now after such a stupid move.

Time to go sleep.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Been there done that! Errare humanum est. :D

Anonymous said...

It sucks so much when that tilting happens. I know!

Creative Mind said...

"It sucks so much when that tilting happens. I know!"

Well, I wouldn't call my move there tilting. I would call it just insane stupidity.

I still blame it on tiredness. One minute flipping out, which was enough.

But things are ok now. LOL! I have got some sleep. Back in the saddle.

Anonymous said...

Been there, done that... probally gonna do it again some time.

The cost of being human and not a machine.